Sold on Mambo

Old enough for the music but too old for the crowd maybe. That pretty much sums it up partying at Mambo.
No lao hero antics involved except for Mr Ivan Mambo Lambado King.
Interesting scenery though!
Only a handful joined us for Mambo night courtesy of My Ivan Mambo Lambado King.
Trina and pals joined later.
Gary was boring as usual. Trina was shrieking.
Meanwhile you try here first. *Snigger*

Ivan and I were tryin to master the art of Hand Signals & Signs.
Ivan Mambo Guide for you below. I think you learn through Vids first la. Later then do practical...
A US intelligence official said the reclusive leader may have suffered a stroke."
Summer Rain
Step #1 Chorus: 'Oh my love, it's you...' Your move: Bring both hands together to form a 'heart' over your left bosom, then use your right hand to point at 'you'.
Step #2 Chorus: 'that I dream of...' Your move: Bring your right hand up and point to your right temple.
Step #3 Chorus: 'Oh my love, since that day...' Your move: Bring both hands together to form a 'heart' over your left bosom, then raise your right hand upwards, palm facing up.
Step #4 Chorus: 'somewhere in my heart, I'm always...' Your move: Bring your hands together and make a heart shape over your left bosom, then clap twice in rhythm with 'always'.
Step #5 Chorus: 'dancing with you in the summer rain...' Your move: With both hands half-raised and your index finger and thumb pinched together, make little circles as you twirl your hands around for 'dancing'. When the chorus goes 'summer rain', stretch out your hands and make little ripples with your fingers as if simulating a shower of rain.